Thursday, May 12, 2011

I'm Now Giving Up On Fast Food

I've decided it's time to give up on fast food. A list of exceptions may include:

  1. Chain sandwich shops (Togo's, Subway, etc.)
  2. Non-chain quick restaurants, food carts (taquerias, etc.)
  3. In-and-Out Burger (fresh ingredients, quick service)
I've had a hard time nixing this habit. I'd find myself eating Mc. D's, BK, Taco Bell, etc. and feeling like crap afterwards. Most recently, we had Taco Bell the other day as it was late and my wife and I were exhausted enough that making dinner was too much. After dinner, I felt nauseous and my wife was feeling ill. Plus, it's not good for the high blood pressure.

Time to say, "farewell!"

PS I have no real rationale behind Subway being on there. I'm not sure how they get to claim to be "fresh" with their line-up of microwaved or toaster oven heated food. There veggies are no fresher than McDonalds. That chicken breast is just as processed as a can of Lysol.

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