States across the country are trying to balance budgets, make up for declining revenue. In some states, such as Wisconsin, the lagging revenue is caused by tax cuts as well as economical impacts. In order to balance the budget, public employees that are members of unions are being targeted. That is fine, everyone needs to make sacrifices. In Wisconsin, however, the union being targeted is the teachers union. Not the police, the fire fighters. So, is everybody sacrificing? Education seems to be the sacrificial lamb for state Republican leaders. Look at New Jersey, California under Arnold, Indiana, Ohio, and so on.
There are two key issues at play. Cutting education and eliminating unions. How on God's green earth does cutting education, a system that is completely underfunded compared to top counties of this world, going to help our economy? Since the Republicans have help shipped jobs oversees for cheap labor, the only type of livable wage jobs that are left are in professions and skilled trades, where one needs highly skilled and specialized training. AN EDUCATION! The real goals of the GOP is to create an uneducation population, so they can be easily manipulated to say and do whatever they are told. The rich getting richer, the middle class being eliminated, and the poor getting poorer.
This whole plan starts with eliminating unions. By eliminating unions, workers rights will be slowly a thing of the past. Hell, we're almost already there. The unions have answered the call in Wisconsin and have agreed to the cuts that will help resolve the budget woes facing the state. But for Gov. Scott Walker, that's just not enough. They want any resemblance of a voice for the worker to be squashed. This proves that this whole conundrum is about power, not money.
God help our Country, because eventually the poor and meek will be the greatest majority this Country has ever seen. A revolution will be inevitable.
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